This site is designed to assist those seeking medical marijuana using an affordable travel network of those willing to assist with their personal knowledge.
Having been involved in numerous awareness projects, medical studies and involvement in many social issues in our society , it is important to reach out to everyone, unite and make healthy choices that improve our well being and the world around us.
This site believes that marijuana’s many good characteristics will make a dramatic impact on our lives now and in the future.
We invite you to join us, share your experiences and enrich your lives. Cannabis Couch Surfers is for those who use Marijuana as an alternative treatment for various conditions such as: Cancer – nausea, AIDS, Neuropathy -pain, Multiple sclerosis – Muscle cramps, Lou Gherigs disease- joint movement, Crohn’s disease- stomach cramps. It helps with appetite suppression from medication & depression, also recommended in medical books for menstrual cramps.
One of the advantages of joining the site is the potential to travel free, stay with someone knowledgeable about the area & have a memorable experience. You can drop your questions or email us for more details. Knowledge is the only cure for ignorance!
How is this possible. I studied nursing and I was never taught something like this. I would like to know more please. Kindly visit